21 Jun The Year of Mercy on the Cathedral’s stone
León’s Cathedral is an immense catechesis itself, every corner speaks of God and of the history of Christianity. In this first issue of REVISTA CATEDRAL DE LEÓN we want to bring the reader two small pieces which almost go unnoticed to the visitor. They are the representation in stone of two Thrones of Grace. Canon and Director of the Diocesan-Cathedral’s Museum Mr. Máximo Gómez invites us to discover them with the heart focused in this Extraordinary Year of Mercy now celebrated by the Universal Church. [red_spacer spacer_margin=»15″][/red_spacer]The diocese of León celebrates in 2016, as the rest of the Catholic Church, the Holy Year, or Jubilee of Mercy (in- augurated on December 8, 2015, by Pope Francis with the symbolic opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter), in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the conclusion of the Vatican Council II. The Holy Father wants with this celebration to highlight the message that St. John XXIII gave fifty years ago at the opening of the Council: “In our time, the spouse of Christ prefers to use the medicine of Mercy rather than to take up the arms of severity”.